Publish With Us
We think we know why you are here.
You have finished your manuscript, but don't know how to navigate the publishing world. You have not had any joy from the emails you have sent to big publishers and agents.
So you are still looking around for an answer to your central question: how do I get published?
Book publishing and production can be confusing and daunting to new writers. Thankfully, we are here to make things easier for you.
We have been publishing non-fiction books for almost a decade. We see many well-written manuscripts that struggle to catch the eye of commercial volume publishers.
We want to step into this space - an opportunity, in fact - and help new writers get into print.
Providing we think you have a good manuscript, we will guide you through the publishing maze step by step and publish a book you can be proud of.
In essence, we want to turn book publishing from a hassle into a pleasure.
Our service includes: typesetting, cover design, proofreading, ISBN (International Standard Book Number), physical copies, ebook, distribution, marketing support and more!
Here are the steps to go through if you would like to publish with us:

Step 1
Prepare your manuscript
Get ready your first 3 chapters, title and 'blurb' for evaluation.

Step 2
Submit your book
Use this form to send us your book and personal contact information. Our editors will check the quality and see if your book fits our catalogue.

Step 3
If selected, you will be invited to a 40-minute meeting with our Editor-in-Chief to discuss a route to publication.

Step 4
Once the contract is signed, the book goes into production. We will proofread and typeset the text and work with a professional designer to achieve a front and back cover you are happy with.

Step 5
While the book is edited, you will have a meeting with our marketing specialist to set the PR and publicity plan for your title as well as record some content for social media.

Step 6
Your book will be published with a print run of a minimum 250 copies (set out in the contract) and we will help you with the promotional push into bookshops.
How To Submit Your Book
To submit your manuscript you will need some information and files at hand:
- Name
- Title of the book
- Genre
- Length
- Blurb
- First 3 chapters
- Social media handles
Then you will fill out the form and we will get in touch within 21 days of submission.
Help For New Writers
Access our blog for some Writing Tips and our FAQ for any remaining question.